Exchange Name | MojitoSwap |
Volume (24H) | $77,652.69 0.79 BTC |
Country | N/A |
Established Year | 2021 |
Website | |
http://MojitoSwap | |
Telegram | |
# | Currency | Pair | Price | Volume (24h) | Updated | Trust Score |
MojitoSwap exchange 24 hours trading volume is $77,652.69 (0.79 BTC). MojitoSwap is established in year 2021. This cryptocurrency exchange is located in N/A.
MojitoSwap is the first audited decentralized exchange that comes with Automated Market Maker and a high APR. It provides users a safe environment for their assets and a place (we call them pool and bar) to potentially yield a high return.