Ravencoin RVN Coin Price is $0.01475 Market Cap $218.64 M


-3.08% (24H)
Low $0.01445
High $0.01504
  • Market Cap $218.64 M
  • Volume $7.27 M
  • Available Supply 14.82 B RVN

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# Exchange Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score

Ravencoin RVN coin price is $0.01475 with a market cap of $218.64 M. Ravencoin Cryptocurrency price is -3.08% down in last 24 hours.

Ravencoin is a digital peer to peer network that aims to implement a use case specific blockchain, designed to efficiently handle one specific function: the transfer of assets from one party to another. Built on a fork of the Bitcoin code, Ravencoin was launched January 3rd, 2018, and is a truly open source project (no ICO or masternodes). It focuses on building a useful technology, with a strong and growing community.
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