Loopring (LRC)
-6.64% (24H)
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Date | Price | Volume | MarketCap |
# | Exchange | Pair | Price | Volume (24h) | Updated | Trust Score |
Loopring LRC coin price is $0.18 with a market cap of $239.45 M. Loopring Cryptocurrency price is -6.64% down in last 24 hours.
Loopring is a Decentralized Exchange DEX built on an Ethereum Layer- L solution called zkRollup It has both Automated Market Maker AMM -based and orderbook-based exchanges zkRollup is an Ethereum L scaling solution that migrates computations off the blockchain Loopring protocol only uses the underlying Ethereum blockchain as a data layer and a verification layer As a result Loopring's throughput is as high as trades per second compared to Ethereum s current throughput of transactions per second The result is that the cost per trade settlement is as small as Loopring's performance is sufficient for professional traders and market makers to deploy algorithmic strategies and other automated trading bots This was not previously possible on any DEX as it was prohibitively slow and expensive By building on top of Loopring orderbook-based DEXs can be commercially viable for the first time Loopring expects non-custodial exchanges can begin to outcompete and displace... Read More