DigiByte (DGB)
-7.89% (24H)
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Date | Price | Volume | MarketCap |
# | Exchange | Pair | Price | Volume (24h) | Updated | Trust Score |
DigiByte DGB coin price is $0.01148 with a market cap of $200.39 M. DigiByte Cryptocurrency price is -7.89% down in last 24 hours.
DigiByte (DGB) is a cryptocurrency on a public, rapidly growing and highly decentralized blockchain with a maximum supply of 21B by 2035. DigiBytes are indestructible, non-counterfeitable or hackable digital assets ideal for protecting objects of value (e.g. Currency, Information, property or important digital data). It is the first blockchain with SegWit, MultiAlgo mining, DigiShield and Odocrypt. Its blockchain has three layers (Application layer, Digital Asset/ Public Ledger Layer and Core Communication Protocol/ Global Network Layer).