Kine Protocol (Spot) Exchange Info, Markets & Trading Volume

Kine Protocol (Spot)
Kine Protocol (Spot)
Start Crypto Trading
Exchange NameKine Protocol (Spot)
Volume (24H) $0.000000
0.000000 BTC
Established Year2019
# Currency Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score

Kine Protocol (Spot) exchange 24 hours trading volume is $0.000000 (0.000000 BTC). Kine Protocol (Spot) is established in year 2019. This cryptocurrency exchange is located in Singapore.

Kine Protocol provides a peer-to-pool derivative market, where “general purpose” liquidity pools — backed by collateral of major crypto assets across multi-chains — serves as the passive counterparty to traders of perpetual contracts (perps). It provides traders with zero-slippage execution, guaranteed liquidity, up to 100x leverage with cross margin. The protocol allows traders to put up collateral on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon and Avalanche. There are three ways users can participate in the Kine Protocol ecosystem: as stakers, traders and liquidators.

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