Ozone Chain OZO Coin Price is $0.20 Market Cap $136.65 M


0.23% (24H)
Low $0.19
High $0.20
  • Market Cap $136.65 M
  • Volume $152,821
  • Available Supply 695.06 M OZO

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# Exchange Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score

Ozone Chain OZO coin price is $0.20 with a market cap of $136.65 M. Ozone Chain Cryptocurrency price is 0.23% up in last 24 hours.

What is Ozone ChainOzone Chain is the world s first Quantum Resistant Blockchain that has integrated bleeding edge quantum security technologies in its design Ozone Chain believes in Quantum Secured Blockchain for solving the real-world concerns faced by Quantum Computers Ozone Chain is a decentralized platform that enables developers to build scalable user-friendly dApps with low transactions fees without ever sacrificing on security The most secured Blockchain which is EVM compatible and runs on proof of authority and IBFT protocols Quantum Random Numbers from a laser sourceLattice-based Post Quantum CryptographyQuantum tech tested and certified by TUVEVM CompatibleProof of Authority QBFTBlock time secondsDeploy Smart Contracts and Create DappsGovernance by votingUniqueness of Ozone ChainOzone chain uses quantum random numbers QRN and post-quantum cryptography PQC to make the blockchain quantum secure and quantum resistant Quantum key distribution QKD in its current implementations has geographical limitations that constrain its usage within a few hundred... Read More
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