Mintlayer ML Coin Price is $0.06094 Market Cap $3.91 M


-2.03% (24H)
Low $0.05972
High $0.06216
  • Market Cap $3.91 M
  • Volume $457,013
  • Available Supply 64.20 M ML

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# Exchange Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score

Mintlayer ML coin price is $0.06094 with a market cap of $3.91 M. Mintlayer Cryptocurrency price is -2.03% down in last 24 hours.

What is Mintlayer ML Mintlayer is a layer solution that allows users to build a decentralized finance ecosystem rooted in the established network of the Bitcoin blockchain opening Bitcoin to DeFi smart contracts atomic swaps NFTs and dapps Mintlayer is a protocol focused on developing a decentralized finance DeFi ecosystem that leverages the Bitcoin and Lightning Network The company's vision is to develop a platform to deploy smart contracts on the BTC blockchain which will eventually give rise to a decentralized exchange DEX Mintlayer is opening up new ways for the DeFi sector to integrate with Bitcoin to enable real-world financial use cases on the Bitcoin blockchain Mintlayer USP - Atomic SwapsWhile other projects are trying to enable DeFi on Bitcoin Mintlayer is the only protocol that enables direct swap of Native Bitcoin for other tokenized assets Minted directly on Mintlayer With these atomic swaps on Mintlayer there are no... Read More
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